On Feb. 19th 2021 join host Kula Voncille for the WHAT DAT MOUF DO?!!! LIP SYNC BATTLE at 701 W. Clay Street Lynchburg, VA $5 donations at the door MASK REQUIRED! Doors open at 7:00 PM! With special guest performances by Femceez of Fiya with DJ Mike Jay behind the music! Sponsored and presented by Nutty Buttery If you can Lip Sync then join the competition! Visit http://www.KulaVoncille.com __________________________________________ The New Mixtape Kingdom Wordpress Blog labels Kula Voncille's "Get The Bag" the MONEY MONDAY anthem of 2021! Read all about it at the direct link below MONEY MONDAY: “Get the Bag” by KULA VONCILLE | The Mixtape Kingdom (wordpress.com) ________________________________________ Hot Georgia based DJ, DJ Soundz Grate cosigns Kula Voncille's "Get The Bag" single and video on his SINE WAVE platform! Check out the article dedicated to the single at the direct link below $$$ GET THE BAG IN 2021 $$$ (dj...